Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Last minute stuff

Today was another lovely fun filled packing day. My carry-on bag now resembles a pharmacy stockpile. I realized today that India will be my fifth straight month of living out of a box this year. I'm so glad to have the last few months of interview season madness behind me. As much as I love travelling, it's exhausting when you're doing it non-stop. Leaving tomorrow also means that I'm officially done with the residency interview and ranking process. I've allowed myself plenty of time for brooding over it and now I'm committing myself to the version of the list I have now. It's now one big waiting game until match day.

My flight tomorrow leaves Houston at 4ish. I'll be flying with my dad, who'll stay on for an extra week to visit family. We're going on Lufthansa, changing planes in Frankfurt to go to Chennai and reaching there at 1-2 am local time on Saturday morning. I'll be joining Erica, Bimpe, and Nicolette in Chennai and our plan is to leave Chennai for Vellore together on Saturday. I'm going to be staying at an international hostel there. Christian Medical College is an internationally renowned medical institutaion and medical students from all over the world come there to study. So I'm hoping this means I'm not the only lost one floating around.


Stac said...

Safe travels! So I got on my plane to leave for Taipei at San Fran today, slept for 2 hours, and then was asked to deplane because of something wrong w/ a generator and engine. Bottom line, my flight is delayed for 19 hours!! Going to try to leave again tomorrow morning.

Molly said...

yay for being done with interviews. am crossing my fingers that you get a great match.